Recipes For You
Chicken Enchiladas with Red Salsa
Posted on December 19, 2011.Description:
2 cups shredded chicken white meat
10 ancho chilies (dried poblanos)
1 can diced tomatoes with juice
1/2 white onion, coarsely chopped
Small white onion, sliced into thin rings
6 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon oregano
1 1/2 cups chicken stock
4 tablespoons canola or safflower oil
Sea salt
12 white corn tortillas (6 in)
1/2 cup crema
Tear ancho chilies into large pieces, then place in a bowl and add boiling water to cover (you can weigh the chilies down with a plate). Let soak 15 min until soft. Drain, then blend until smooth in food processor with tomatoes with juice, chopped onion, garlic, and oregano. Add chicken stock as necessary, to create smooth consistency.
Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a pan and add sauce. Cook until thickened, adding remaining chicken stock and cook 5 min. Add sea salt to taste. Lower heat to simmer.
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
Directions for the tortillas:
In a frying pan, heat 3 tablespoons oil until sizzling hot. Quickly swipe tortillas through oil, then pat dry with paper towels.
In a pan, heat oil, then add chopped garlic, then shredded chicken. Stir fry for 5 min and add enough of the sauce to thoroughly coat the chicken.
Directions to complete:
In a baking dish, spread thin layer of sauce. Roll chicken mix in tortillas and line up in dish. Spoon remaining sauce over top and bake for 10 min. Serve with fresh onion slices and crema. Place slices of jalapenos on top for added spice.

Posted By: Chief Foodie Officer